Publication Maze: Expand an Abstract into a Full Paper for Another Conference

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Navigating the Publication Maze: Can You Expand an Abstract into a Full Paper for Another Conference?


In the fast-paced world of academia, researchers often find themselves at the crossroads of sharing their work with a broader audience. One common dilemma arises when an abstract has been presented at one conference, prompting the question: Can I publish a full paper based on that abstract in another conference, even if the full paper hasn’t been published before?

Understanding Conference Policies:

Conference policies regarding the reuse of abstracts vary. While some conferences may allow you to expand on your abstract and submit a full paper to a different conference, others may have stringent rules against it. It’s crucial to carefully review the terms and conditions of each conference to avoid potential conflicts.

Copyright Considerations:

Before proceeding, researchers must be aware of the copyright implications associated with their abstracts. Some conferences may claim copyright over the abstracts presented, limiting your ability to republish the same content in its entirety elsewhere. It’s advisable to consult the conference’s copyright policy or seek permission from the organizers if needed.

Maintaining Originality:

While the abstract provides a snapshot of your research, the full paper should significantly expand on the concepts, methodologies, and findings. It’s essential to ensure that the full paper adds substantial value and goes beyond a mere repetition of the abstract to maintain originality.

Proper Citation:

If you decide to submit a full paper based on a previously presented abstract, proper citation is paramount. Clearly acknowledge the initial presentation, mentioning the conference, date, and any relevant details. Providing transparent attribution not only adheres to ethical standards but also establishes a clear lineage for your research.

Consulting with Conference Organizers:

When in doubt, reaching out to the organizers of both conferences is a prudent step. Seek clarification on their policies and inquire whether they permit the expansion of abstracts into full papers for different conferences. Establishing open communication can help you navigate potential pitfalls and ensure compliance with conference guidelines.


In conclusion, the decision to publish a full paper based on a previously presented abstract requires a thorough understanding of conference policies, copyright considerations, and a commitment to maintaining originality. Researchers should approach this situation with care, ensuring proper citation and, if necessary, seeking guidance from conference organizers to navigate the complex landscape of academic publishing.


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